Empowering you for lifelong health and fitness
So you think you know how to stand, sit, walk, move and exercise? Really? Most of us can’t manage this as well as we think.
Because of injuries, repetitive movements, work, stress or illness we lose the ability to move optimally! We often aren’t even aware of it. Maybe you just learn to live with the stiff neck, back ache, knee pain or whatever! Maybe you have regular appointments with the physiotherapist, osteopath, chiropractor or other health practitioner and you feel that’s just the way it is!
It doesn't have to be this way
You might be surprised that with just a few tiny changes you can be taken to whole other level of awareness and results that will blow your mind!
We’re talking about those “aha” moments where suddenly your body and its existing aches, pains and limitations all make sense.
All those exercises you’ve done in the past suddenly take on a whole different meaning… and a whole different result!
And not only that - you discover what you personally need to learn to relieve, minimise and even fix these issues!

Meet your trainer and specialist...
Hi there! I'm Marya Hopman and I am personal trainer and corrective exercise specialist who’s not that into exercise! I'm interested in living an active life, free from pain and confident to do whatever I want to do. I am also the founder of the OptimalMe studio in Taradale, Hawkes Bay.
I retrained as a personal trainer in 2010 because I was looking for a career that would be good for my own health, rather than being stuck behind a desk. I'd heard the industry was looking for trainers that a wider range of people could relate to. As an “older” woman who wasn’t a fitness fanatic, and as a person who loves to help people, I fit the bill.
Surprisingly I found my purpose!
It's taken me a few years to truly understand that what I now offer is very different and has the ability to change lives. I've combined rehabilitation and exercise with consistent and relentless education because this really seems to be lacking. I found people didn't really understand the exercises given to them by their trainer or physical therapist. With just a little extra time taken on explaining how it should feel, how with very small adjustments they could get a better result, clients have been blown away. People regularly ask me "Why haven't I been told this before?" and I don't know the answer!
What I teach is common sense and should be common knowledge, so it's my mission to make it so because I believe it can change the health and fitness of everyone.
Give me a call, email or text and let's have a chat.